{ "name": "Great Gadgets", "description": "This app offers a suite of gadgets that you can add to your Jira dashboards to better track your projects: sprint and release burndown/burnup charts, team velocity, cycle time trend, control chart, histogram chart, issue field sum-up, work-breakdown structure, countdown and more.", "key": "com.stonikbyte.great.gadgets.plugin", "baseUrl": "https://cloud.stonikbyte.com/great-gadgets-plugin", "enableLicensing": true, "apiMigrations": { "context-qsh": true, "signed-install": true }, "vendor": { "name": "StonikByte", "url": "https://stonikbyte.com" }, "authentication": { "type": "JWT" }, "lifecycle": { "installed": "/installed", "uninstalled": "/uninstalled", "enabled": "/enabled", "disabled":"/disabled" }, "scopes": [ "READ", "WRITE", "ACT_AS_USER" ], "apiVersion": 1, "modules": { "jiraDashboardItems": [ { "name" : { "value" : "Sprint Burndown Burnup Chart", "i18n" : "Sprint Burndown Burnup Chart" }, "url" : "/gadgets/dual-chart-gadget.shtm?dashboard={dashboard.id}&dashboardItem={dashboardItem.id}", "key" : "agile-release-burndown-chart", "description" : { "value" : "Shows the burndown and burnup chart for the current sprint or a past sprint. You can use this gadget to see how your agile team is progressing throughout the sprint.", "i18n" : "sprint-burndown-gadget-description" }, "thumbnailUrl": "/gadgets/images/dual-chart-gadget.png", "configurable" : true }, { "name" : { "value" : "WIP Run Chart", "i18n" : "WIP Run Chart" }, "url" : "/gadgets/wip-run-chart-gadget.shtm?dashboard={dashboard.id}&dashboardItem={dashboardItem.id}", "key" : "wip-run-chart-gadget", "description" : { "value" : "Shows how much work-in-progress (WIP) your team has over time and helps you find trends and patterns in the process. Use this gadget to determine whether your team is accumulating more work-in-progress items over time or not, and whether the team has reached an optimal work pace.", "i18n" : "wip-run-chart-gadget-description" }, "thumbnailUrl": "/gadgets/images/wip-run-chart-gadget.png", "configurable" : true }, { "name" : { "value" : "Issue Filter Formula Gadget", "i18n" : "Issue Filter Formula Gadget" }, "url" : "/gadgets/filter-based-formula.shtm?dashboard={dashboard.id}&dashboardItem={dashboardItem.id}&accountId={profileUser.accountId}", "key" : "filter-based-formula", "description" : { "value": "Shows the result of a simple formula (e.g. SUM, COUNT, or AVERAGE) for a numeric field of issues in a filter. You can use this gadget to display things like amount of work left, number of open issues, or average customer satisfaction (CSAT).", "i18n" : "issue-filter-formula-gadget-description" }, "thumbnailUrl": "/gadgets/images/filter-based-formula.png", "configurable" : true }, { "name" : { "value" : "Advanced Issue Filter Formula Gadget", "i18n" : "Advanced Issue Filter Formula Gadget" }, "url" : "/gadgets/advanced-filter-based-formula.shtm?dashboard={dashboard.id}&dashboardItem={dashboardItem.id}&accountId={profileUser.accountId}", "key" : "advanced-filter-based-formula", "description" : { "value" : "Shows the results of up to six formulas on numeric issue fields from up to six filters. You can use this gadget to display project numbers, metrics or KPIs as percentage, average, total, or sum.", "i18n" : "advanced-issue-filter-formula-gadget-description" }, "thumbnailUrl": "/gadgets/images/advanced-filter-based-formula.png", "configurable" : true }, { "name" : { "value" : "Countdown Gadget", "i18n" : "Countdown Gadget" }, "url" : "/gadgets/countdown-gadget.shtm?dashboard={dashboard.id}&dashboardItem={dashboardItem.id}", "key" : "countdown-gadget", "description" : { "value" : "Counts down the time until a specific event. You can use this gadget for any event, such as product launch date or year-end party.", "i18n" : "countdown-gadget-description" }, "thumbnailUrl": "/gadgets/images/countdown-gadget.png", "configurable" : true }, { "name" : { "value" : "Pivot Table & Pivot Chart Gadget", "i18n" : "Pivot Table & Pivot Chart Gadget" }, "url" : "/gadgets/pivot-table-gadget.shtm?dashboard={dashboard.id}&dashboardItem={dashboardItem.id}", "key" : "pivot-table-gadget", "description" : { "value" : "Allows you to create a Pivot Table to display multidimensional summary data of Jira issues. Can be also set up as a Pivot Chart, so you can make comparisons, see patterns and identify trends.", "i18n" : "pivot-table-gadget-description" }, "thumbnailUrl": "/gadgets/images/pivot-table-gadget.png", "configurable" : true }, { "name" : { "value" : "Regional Clock Gadget", "i18n" : "Regional Clock Gadget" }, "url" : "/gadgets/clock-gadget.shtm?dashboard={dashboard.id}&dashboardItem={dashboardItem.id}", "key" : "clock-gadget", "description" : { "value" : "Displays the current date and time for a chosen geographic region or city. Useful for global businesses or remote teams.", "i18n" : "clock-gadget-description" }, "thumbnailUrl": "/gadgets/images/clock-gadget.png", "configurable" : true }, { "name" : { "value" : "Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Gadget", "i18n" : "Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Gadget" }, "url" : "/gadgets/wbs-gadget.shtm?dashboard={dashboard.id}&dashboardItem={dashboardItem.id}", "key" : "wbs-gadget", "description" : { "value" : "Displays the WBS diagram as Initiatives > Epics > Stories > Sub-Tasks for issues in a filter, giving you a high-level view of project scope and status.", "i18n" : "wbs-gadget-description" }, "thumbnailUrl": "/gadgets/images/wbs-gadget.png", "configurable" : true }, { "name" : { "value" : "Team Velocity Gadget", "i18n" : "Team Velocity Gadget" }, "url" : "/gadgets/velocity-gadget.shtm?dashboard={dashboard.id}&dashboardItem={dashboardItem.id}", "key" : "velocity-gadget", "description" : { "value" : "Shows the velocity chart for a Scrum team. Helps you see the team performance across sprints and its current average velocity.", "i18n" : "team-velocity-description" }, "thumbnailUrl": "/gadgets/images/velocity-chart-gadget.png", "configurable" : true } ,{ "name" : { "value" : "Release Burndown Burnup Chart", "i18n" : "Release Burndown Burnup Chart" }, "url" : "/gadgets/release-chart-gadget.shtm?dashboard={dashboard.id}&dashboardItem={dashboardItem.id}", "key" : "release-gadget", "description" : { "value" : "Displays the burndown or burnup chart for the issues in a filter that represents the release scope. Use this gadget to track the progress at the global level or to generate cross-team burndown charts.", "i18n" : "release-gadget-description" }, "thumbnailUrl": "/gadgets/images/release-burndown-gadget.png", "configurable" : true }, { "name" : { "value" : "Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD)", "i18n" : "Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD)" }, "url" : "/gadgets/cumulative-flow-chart-gadget.shtm?dashboard={dashboard.id}&dashboardItem={dashboardItem.id}", "key" : "cumulative-flow-chart", "description" : { "value" : "Displays the cumulative flow diagram (CFD) for the issues in an agile board or filter. A stacked area chart that shows the process flow stability over time.", "i18n" : "cfd-gadget-description" }, "thumbnailUrl": "/gadgets/images/cumulative-flow-chart-gadget.png", "configurable" : true }, { "name" : { "value" : "Team Wallboard Gadget", "i18n" : "Team Wallboard Gadget" }, "url" : "/gadgets/wallboard-gadget.shtm?dashboard={dashboard.id}&dashboardItem={dashboardItem.id}", "key" : "wallboard-gadget", "description" : { "value" : "Displays the wallboard with the work items of an agile board. Use this gadget to view the current work of your team and the progress.", "i18n" : "wallboard-gadget-description" }, "thumbnailUrl": "/gadgets/images/wallboard-gadget.png", "configurable" : true }, { "name" : { "value" : "Kanban Velocity / Throughput Gadget", "i18n" : "Kanban Velocity Gadget" }, "url" : "/gadgets/kanban-velocity-gadget.shtm?dashboard={dashboard.id}&dashboardItem={dashboardItem.id}", "key" : "kanban-gadget", "description" : { "value" : "Shows the velocity or throughput chart for the issues in a board or filter. It helps you to see how many issues or story points your team gets done along the time.", "i18n" : "kanban-gadget-description" }, "thumbnailUrl": "/gadgets/images/kanban-velocity-chart-gadget.png", "configurable" : true } ,{ "name" : { "value" : "Cycle Time Trend Gadget", "i18n" : "Cycle Time Trend Gadget" }, "url" : "/gadgets/cycle-time-trend-gadget.shtm?dashboard={dashboard.id}&dashboardItem={dashboardItem.id}", "key" : "cycle-time-trend", "description" : { "value" : "Shows the cycle time trend chart for issues in a filter. You can use this gadget to see how quickly your team solves problems over time.", "i18n" : "trend-gadget-description" }, "thumbnailUrl": "/gadgets/images/cycle-time-trend-gadget.png", "configurable" : true } ,{ "name" : { "value" : "Histogram Chart Gadget", "i18n" : "Histogram Chart Gadget" }, "url" : "/gadgets/histogram-chart-gadget.shtm?dashboard={dashboard.id}&dashboardItem={dashboardItem.id}", "key" : "histogram-chart", "description" : { "value" : "Shows cycle time distribution bars for issues in a filter or board. You can use this chart to see how many issues have exceeded the SLA.", "i18n" : "histogram-gadget-description" }, "thumbnailUrl": "/gadgets/images/histogram-chart-gadget.png", "configurable" : true } ,{ "name" : { "value" : "Control Chart Gadget", "i18n" : "Control Chart Gadget" }, "url" : "/gadgets/cycle-time-control-chart-gadget.shtm?dashboard={dashboard.id}&dashboardItem={dashboardItem.id}", "key" : "cycle-time-control-chart", "description" : { "value" : "A scatter-plot diagram of issues from a filter or board by their cycle time. Use this gadget to see the average resolution time or the issues that exceeded the SLA.", "i18n" : "control-chart-gadget-description" }, "thumbnailUrl": "/gadgets/images/cycle-time-control-chart-gadget.png", "configurable" : true } ,{ "name" : { "value" : "WIP Aging Chart Gadget", "i18n" : "WIP Aging Chart Gadget" }, "url" : "/gadgets/wip-aging-chart-gadget.shtm?dashboard={dashboard.id}&dashboardItem={dashboardItem.id}", "key" : "wip-aging-chart", "description" : { "value" : "A scatter-plot diagram by the age (time in status or time in board column) of issues in a board or filter. Use this chart to easily determine those issues that are taking longer than expected.", "i18n" : "wip-aging-gadget-description" }, "thumbnailUrl": "/gadgets/images/wip-aging-chart.png", "configurable" : true } ] }, "translations": { "paths": { "fr-FR": "/i18n/fr_FR.json", "ro-RO": "/i18n/ro_RO.json", "de-DE": "/i18n/de_DE.json", "es-ES": "/i18n/es_ES.json", "pt-BR": "/i18n/pt_BR.json", "pt-PT": "/i18n/pt_PT.json" } } }